Author: Elio Delgado Legon

Cuba: Why I Defend Socialism

I could begin by saying that I lived under a capitalist regime for long enough to be able to make comparisons. It would suffice to make a general statement: 60 years elapsed from the time Cuba achieved independence from Spanish domination to the triumph of the revolution and the country made very little or next to no progress.

The Irrationality of Rational Beings

I have heard say that human beings are the only rational beings on the planet. However, I become more and more convinced that this rationality is something highly relative, as I do not know of a single so-called irrational species that deliberately destroys its habitat.

Terrorism: The Work of Monsters

There are two dates in which Cubans experience pain over those who have perished and hatred and contempt towards the monsters capable of organizing or carrying out terrorist acts: September 4 and October 6. In fact, In the course of 55 years, thousands of terrorist acts against Cuba have been carried out.

Cuba Has No Ration System

The ill-intentioned press refers to it as a “ration booklet.” However, it has never been a question of rationing anything, but of guaranteeing that every citizen can access basic supplies at reasonably low, State subsidized prices which cannot be affected by the activities of hoarders and speculators.

Cuba’s “Wanderers”

Today, my memories take me back to a certain figure that was a common sight in Cuba’s countryside before the revolution. I am referring to “wanderers.” These were people who, tired of looking for a job and going hungry – having lost their homes because they were unable to pay the rent – had no other choice but to become beggars.

Cuba’s Economic Problems

I frequently come across the comments and articles written by those who are always criticizing the Cuban revolution, pointing out Cuba’s economic problems time and time again. These are only partly right.

Fighting in Angola from a Distance

Thousands of Cubans voluntarily travelled to Angola to defend the freedom of its people, once seriously threatened by the racist South African regime. I was mobilized several times to receive training as a militiaman and asked if I was willing to go into combat in Angola. I said I was, but they never called me.

The Palestinians Are Being Slaughtered

The last harrowing news we heard involved the murder of a group of children who were playing soccer at a beach. Though these incidents occur in plain sight, for everyone to see, very little is done to put an end to the mass killing.