Author: osmel

Not Wanting to Move Back Home

Mayelin is from Cienfuegos, a south-central province of the island. It was there that the first important events of her life occurred. She studied to make it through university. She married her son’s father, and years later she got divorced from him.

Old Havana

When I walk through the historic district I get this strange impression that they’re never going to stop making repairs. They finish renovating one building and the previous one has already fallen into disrepair.

The Miracle of Life

The P-15 bus was stuck on the train track as a locomotive was bearing down on us. I was in the middle part of the articulated vehicle, where there aren’t any windows, which is why I couldn’t see what was going on.

A Toy Car

Those present roared with laughter because we knew that he was referring to the fact that this sound system had arrived in Cuba when it was already antiquated technology, but for us it was a something new.

The Dentist’s Chair & Soap Operas

I sat there thinking to myself: Young people have always been the same, with their virtues and defects, with passion and the ideals necessary to make societies advance, with their malleability that makes them conducive to change, and their inexperience that allows them to make understandable mistakes.