Daisy Valera’s Diary

Reading Cuba’s New Reforms (II)

The document insists on preventing spontaneity and improvisation in investments. Since it seems that we’ve had enough of that, now it will be necessary to see if that inertia can be broken.

Ode to Tourism

This is how touristic Havana begins, differing from real Havana, where instead of young campesinos on the land they’re importing immense quantities of food.

On Cooperatives as an Alternative

A while back, Raul Jimenez sent in a comment about one of my posts referring to cooperatives. He asked about the benefits of this form of organizing work in relation to the development of private businesses.

Privatizing Christ?

This Christ figure that blesses the Cuban capital is a customary tourist destination. To sit down and rest near its giant feet after climbing the Cabaña hillside has always been a normal and pleasant activity for me.

My First Encounter with the Crisis

The bitter years of the “Special Period” crisis will never pass for those who experienced them. I almost dare to assure that all Cubans born and yet to be born will never be able to rid themselves of the memory of those times.