Daisy Valera’s Diary

Cuba’s CTC Union Chooses Its Side

“United for a Prosperous and Sustainable Socialism” is the motto under which the “Cuban Workers Federation” (Central de Trabajadores de Cuba, or CTC) will convene this coming May Day (surely it’s a more optimistic slogan than “Work Hard!”).

Cuba Hosts World Art Deco Congress

The 12th edition of the World Congress on Art Deco begins today in Havana and will run through March 21. In Havana, this style’s eclectic and bygone (or nearly bygone) character is reflected in elements of neoclassical, baroque and rococo buildings. (38 photos)

Three Months Being Unemployed in Cuba

Recently I’ve been thinking back to a 1971 Italian film that left me glued to my seat at Havana’s Charlie Chaplin Cinema. It was The Working Class Goes to Heaven. In it, the main character was fired from an auto parts factory, similar to how I’m no longer sitting in an office chair from 7:50 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.

The Havana Bay Ferry After Dark

There are times, places and situations in Cuba that allow us to truly understand that the much-applauded transformations underway here are no more than crumbs. They’re merely the application of a little oil and the tightening of a few nuts in the machinery, all designed to perpetuate the inertia.

Jose Marti: Confusion and Fatigue

His words are repeated in so many contexts, his phrases parading before our eyes and driving us almost to the edge of hysteria. His idea of the Cuban Revolutionary Party (PRC) is now used a justification for the current one-party system.

A Photo, Police Officers and Beggars

Be careful! If you decide to walk down Obispo Street with a camera, hide it – immediately! It doesn’t matter if you have professional equipment or you’re using a little disposable camera. You might figure that on a street full of tourists and with police stationed on every block, you wouldn’t have to be so mindful.

Unemployed at 25 in Cuba

I’ll turn 25 on January 7, but I’m not going to stop here to list my achievements or my frustrations. I was born in 1988, so I belong to neither the generation that enjoyed the benefits of the Soviet bloc nor the one that grew up breathing the fresh air of change in the ‘90s.

Cuba: As the State Cuts the Ropes

Every decline in the dynamic of an authoritarian power reveals the illusory character of the community that once unanimously supported it. The leasing of state-owned storefronts to food service workers is the most recent conceptual decline.

Cuban Professionals: Emigrate or Suffer

In 2013, the labor force restructuring will continue based on the principle of proven suitability, meaning that the state will distribute all those little papers for the raffle of who’s to be laid off among the recent graduates.