Elio Delgado-Legon’s Diary

May Day 2015 in Cuba

Like every year, this May 1st was yet another opportunity for Cubans to reaffirm their support for the revolution and its leaders. This time around, however, they had the additional incentive of having the Cuban Five leading the rally.

Cuba’s Local Elections

A friend suggested that I should refrain from writing that these elections are the world’s most democratic; however, after sitting down and thinking long and hard about it, I came to the conclusion that, if they are not the most democratic, they are at least one of the most democratic.

Cuba’s Civil Society in Panama

I really had no intention of writing about this, so as not to offend anyone – but I feel the need to devote a few lines to the subject, for I find it impossible to keep quiet in light of so much senselessness.

Combat At Rio Ciego

On the morning of November 3, 1958, after saying goodbye to our fallen comrade we began to move away from the road and search for a place to set up camp again, as we would not be returning to our previous campsite.

Venezuela Under Fascist Threat

I am not exaggerating: the Venezuelan Right has already shown us its fascist credentials on more than one occasion. Now, it charges once again, with a (recently frustrated) plot to stage a coup and assassinate the nation’s president.