Erasmo Calzadilla’s Diary

Cuba: Waiting for the Sunrise

I’ve been worked up these days. What got me into this rather unusual state isn’t the collapse of the Pekin stock market or the rising cost of living in Cuba. It’s the book How Night Fell (Como llego la noche). If you’re Cuban and don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t be too shocked.

Cuba Is Still Waiting for the Party

As the end of 2015 neared, our winter felt like summer and Venezuela’s Bolivarian project seemed to collapse. Back home, things aren’t looking so well. State produce and livestock markets, chronically understocked, face crises as the prices of crops grown on the island skyrocket once again.

Two Weeks Up North

A university in San Diego – UCSD – invited me to take part in an investigative journalism workshop. This is how I was able to make the dream of many Cubans – myself included – come true, at least for a few days. My body is back in Cuba, but my mind refuses to accept this fact.

Rebuilding Cubans’ Self-Esteem

Cuba needs many things. If I had to mention one, I would say we need to rediscover our dignity and self-confidence. It seems like a pipe-dream right now, but the storm is coming, and storms tend to bring surprises along with them.