Jorge Milanes’s Diary

My Sister’s Locksmith

A while ago my sister had to confront some rather unpleasant circumstances related to the theft of several appliances from her house. She immediately contacted a locksmith who changed all the combinations to the locks in her home.

Rastafarian Culture in Cuba

In the presentation led by Dr. Jesus Guanche (who is a professor, ethnologist and researcher), he pointed out that he had in his hands a reference book that covered the origin and evolution of this culture, as well as its contextualization in Cuba.

“The Diet” in Cuba

Diets in Cuba — in addition to being nutritional regimes that people follow to reduce or increase their body weight and to stay in shape — are assignments of extra food whose amounts vary according medical prescriptions.

I’m Bienvenido’s Brother

Bienvenido, my neighbor’s oldest son, called her the other day asking about her health. She explained that she’d been getting better but that the doctor had prescribed her a few medications that are hard to find here in Cuba.

A Special Drink Made in Cuba: Pru Oriental

Pru Oriental is a refreshing brown-colored drink with medicinal properties. Brought to Cuba by French colonialists after the Haitian Revolution, its production began in the eastern part of the island, although today it’s sold all over the country.

Finita, the Self-Employed Worker

A month ago Finita got her “self-employed worker” license that permits her to sell light refreshments in the street. She didn’t want to sell other food because at her age she doesn’t have the physical strength to carry so much on her back.

‘Thanks for Putting Up with Me’

Martinez Fure remained silent for several seconds … until in a perfectly modulated voice he began to speak about the emergence of Africa, humanity’s place of origin, the wealth of the continent, the immigration process and slave routes toward Europe, Asia and the Americas.

This is Havana Station

Habanastation, the latest film by Ian Padron, provokes comments, opinions and assessments not only from specialized critics, but from all movie lovers in Cuba.