Miguel Arias’s Diary

Trap, Modern Music

According to those who claim they know, trap music was born last century in the ‘90s in the US, although it has now spread to Latin America and other parts of the world. Its lyrics promote drugs and addictions, gender violence, a lot of sex, gun use, crimes and no-one bats an eyelid.

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My Neighborhood Candidate Selection Meeting

There was recently a meeting to choose the candidate/s for my district’s representative (el delegado), in my neighborhood of Guanabacoa, one of Havana’s outlying municipalities. Very few people came out for the 8 p.m. gathering, maybe 20 more or less.

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Trump, a Dangerous President

The process of establishing bilateral relations between Cuba and the US has been hurt lots of times. The Cuban government position has always been the same, inflexible and with its backward politics.

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Foreigners and a Credit Card

In Cuba, where we all know the average wage is low and is not enough to satisfy our basic needs, people find themselves forced to look for an illegal way to improve their lives, other times it’s just not a very honest way.

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Reggaeton, Descemer Bueno and My View

I must start off by saying that I’m not a music expert. In spite of my father being a violin player, none of his children inherited his talent. But I have always loved listening to music ever since I was a child, especially romantic music.

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Racial discrimination in Cuba

The subject of racial discrimination in Cuba is a very delicate and thorny issue which has to be approached with a lot of care, so that there isn’t any confusion or people hurt. Here I will mention some aspects of the growing problem.

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Divers in Cuba and their Health

Anybody who hears the word “diver” has an image of a man dressed in a wet suit, a mask on his face and an oxygen tank pop into their back, a person who fishes or investigates the depths of the world’s seas. However, there is a new kind of diver in Cuba…

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Cuban Children and Their Toys

Today in Cuba, like in the rest of the world, children’s toys have nothing to do with what they once were in past eras. Likewise, obtaining them is something that has become an extremely difficult task here on the island.

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