What Will Opening the Country to Tourism Bring?
We are a few days away from opening borders to international tourism. Hotels & tourist facilities have been undergoing renovations for weeks.
We are a few days away from opening borders to international tourism. Hotels & tourist facilities have been undergoing renovations for weeks.
I live in a small town in Pinar del Rio province, between palm trees and marabu bush weeds. It doesn’t have any remarkable stories…
“Me declaro inocente” is a book made up of eight stories of love, violence, sex, poverty and Man’s typical frustrations in Cuban society.
The title was just to catch your attention a little. I’m not really a Communist in the popular macabre sense of the word…
We still had hope in May 2018 when the first part collapsed, we thought the building would hold out for a long time…
He-who-shall-not-be-named is one of the most powerful men in this country. He is a member of the oligarchy that governs Cuba…
Located on the corner of Marti & Velez Caviedes streets, is the ruin of one of the most important buildings in the province.
In the 1970s & 1980s, getting your hands on a pair of jeans in Cuba meant seeing yourself get mixed up in a spy movie with plots and twists…
If there’s been one issue that has made headlines in Cuba in recent months, it’s not exactly been the famous COVID-19, but increasing prices.
Nadia was itching her legs. That morning, mosquitoes had attacked us in aggressive swarms. While the insects stopped torturing us at dawn…