Paula Henriquez’s Diary

Retirement on a Shoestring

The pension retirees receive here in Cuba is ridiculous. Who can live on 400 pesos (20 usd) a month? And whoever has this much can give themselves a pat on the back, as my grandmother would say, because some people don’t even get 200 pesos.

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Morning disappointment…

I know this may sound like a familiar subject, but just because it is doesn’t mean I’m not going to write about it or speak up against it. What’s going on with shift managers in offices and workplaces? Aren’t they Cuban too?

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Making a Bit Extra on Friday Night

You can’t just think about something to make it come true. But sometimes that popular saying doesn’t always ring true. I normally try not to be negative, but not too optimistic either. I’m more of a realist…

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Does Reggaeton Have To Be So Vulgar?

Has anybody ever listened to the lyrics of some reggaeton songs? I hardly understand them, I find it difficult to understand what they’re saying, but when I sit down and focus on the lyrics, I have to admit I don’t like them one bit. Yes, the beat is contagious. Careful, I must confess that I’ve danced to many songs at one party or another, however, the message some of the songs convey… leaves a great deal to be desired.

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Lunchtime for a Cuban Office Worker

Sitting in my office, like I usually do at lunchtime, I talk to someone who no longer lives on our island. I love this someone very much and he wants to help me, although sometimes we don’t understand each other and argue.

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My Morning Odyssey in Havana…

I know the issue of transport here in Cuba has been the subject of discussion many times before, but I feel like there’s always a lot more that can be said. Or maybe it’s because one is left wanting to vent. I’m not sure. Normally, I take the bus my workplace provides. It’s quite reliable, but, it breaks down sometimes, which actually happens quite often, and that’s when my headache starts. More than just a headache, it’s when I just want to disappear.

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