In the Cuban Athens “Everything Is Done on Foot”
Not even the “blues,” the inspectors in charge of intercepting vehicles and boarding passengers in Matanzas, “impose respect”.
Read MoreNot even the “blues,” the inspectors in charge of intercepting vehicles and boarding passengers in Matanzas, “impose respect”.
Read MoreAware that only the use of terror & force keeps it in power, the Cuban regime makes it clear that if necessary, it will not hesitate to kill.
Read MoreThose who have opted for gradual changes were more successful, while those who chose abrupt radical projects failed.
Read MorePascual Claro Valladares attempts suicide upon learning of his 10 year sentence for sedition; 13 other protesters in Camagüey get 4-15 years.
Read MoreWithout electricity and Internet access, this is how the inhabitants of San Antonio de los Baños spend a good part of their days.
Read MoreJust to obtain a good fertilizer it was worth building a biodigester, says Alexis Garcia, who shows the vegetables in his family’s garden.
Read MoreSandra Hernandez tells, from outside of Cuba, the ordeal to which the regime subjected her and her family for peacefully protesting.
Read MoreThen, they would help create a network of newsrooms to reveal the full picture of Odebrecht corruption in Latin America.
Read MoreTwo public employees planning to travel to the US through the humanitarian parole program met with unexpected obstacles…
Read MoreA total 36,600 hectares of land in Suina & Mulukuku will be set aside for mining exploitation without any known environmental impact studies.
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