
Nicaragua: Twenty Years of Confidencial

The magazine “Confidencial” was born in July,1996, on the eve of a presidential election during those years of democratic transition that Sofía Montenegro termed: “Nicaragua’s springtime of free expression.” She was alluding to the unusual climate of State tolerance towards critical journalism that was established during the government of my mother, Violeta Barrios de Chamorro.

What Election Campaign in Nicaragua?

On the highway to Masaya, some banners present the candidates from political parties that are competing for the presidency and for seats in the National Assembly. On some of the city’s streets, you can count (on your fingers) the posters of these same candidates, which are falling apart due to the heavy rains we had last week.

Nicaragua Has Lost 50% of its Forestland

Nicaragua’s forest reserves have contracted alarmingly over the last 25 years. “If the current rhythm of degradation continues, according to data that we’ve confirmed with other governmental agencies, within 10 – 15 years we’ll have no forestland left at all,” an expert told Confidencial.