Watching the Sunset, Saskatchewan, Canada – Photo of the Day
Shelly Griffiths from Canada took our photo of the day: “Watching the Sunset” at Burgis beach, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Shelly Griffiths from Canada took our photo of the day: “Watching the Sunset” at Burgis beach, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Paul Harrigan from Ireland took our photo of the day: “Bumble Bee on Lavender”, in Derry, Ireland. He used a Nikon D7500 camera.
Kathryn Goulet from Canada took our photo of the day: “Sunset”, in British Colombia, Canada. She used an iPhone 12 camera.
Mark Snyder from the United States took our photo of the day: “Multnomah Falls” in Bridal Veil, Oregon , USA. He used a Samsung S22 camera.
Wayne Snyder from the United States took our photo of the day: “Pot of Rice and Beans (Congri)”, in Cienfuegos, Cuba.
Tim Cholowski from Canada took our photo of the day: “Waterton National Park”, in Alberta, Canada.
Deb Vinski from Canada took our photo of the day “Reflections off Georgian Bay”, in Ontario, Canadá.
Brewster Gisbourne from Canada took our photo of the day: “Still Running”, in Havana, Cuba.
Jodi Newell from the United States took our photo of the day: “Christ of Havana”, Cuba.
Peter Chartrand from the United States took our photo of the day: “Plantains”, in Ometepe, Nicaragua.