“Maduro’s Best Option is to Enter into Negotiations”
The Venezuelan opposition leader affirmed that “all Maduro has left” is the support of the high military command.
Read MoreThe Venezuelan opposition leader affirmed that “all Maduro has left” is the support of the high military command.
Read MoreEven though I’ve found a new home in Miami, & I’m building a life full of opportunities, a part of me always remains anchored in nostalgia…
Read MoreForo Penal: In the first week of protest and repression, there are at least 11 dead and 939 arbitrary detentions, including 90 minors.
Read MoreStrategies for hiding the tally sheets until they reached the designated locations, a result of collaboration between witnesses and neighbors.
Read MoreThe temporary suspension of the humanitarian parole program was the talk of the week among Cubans, both on the island and abroad.
Read MoreElectoral frauds are neither left nor right. They are frauds. And the people of Venezuela cry out today for respect for their thwarted will.
Read MoreThousands of irregularities were discovered in applications. Some 90,000 Nicaraguans have received parole so far, but not all have traveled.
Read More“He’s been here for a while, ever since he arrived in a car with his family, they went in, traveled and left him,” recall the workers at the airport.
Read MoreThe inability to withdraw money from Cuban banks has become a daily ordeal. People go from place to place, trying their luck at each ATM.
Read MoreThey want to be recognized as workers, obtain visibility for their harsh reality, and escape the unstable economic situation they endure.
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