Peruvian Authorities Threaten to Seize Documents on Corruption Reporting
The outlet Ojo Publico had exposed alleged money laundering in its 2016-17 reporting based on the Panama Papers…
The outlet Ojo Publico had exposed alleged money laundering in its 2016-17 reporting based on the Panama Papers…
Mejía was imprisoned without trial for 37 days in a penitentiary center in Quetzaltenango, about 75 miles from Joyabaj.
The report said the fire was manmade, and identified a hole in the building’s ceiling that was likely used by the arsonists to enter.
Ayala told CPJ that he was at a friend’s house when a man on a motorcycle called out his name and started shooting at him.
Venezuela’s proposed legislation follows similar laws passed by repressive governments elsewhere in the world including Russia and Nicaragua.
“The exorbitant award of $13 million imposed by Venezuela’s Supreme Tribunal on El Nacional sends a chilling message to other media outlets.
Riot police from Bluefields, Nicaragua illegally seized Radio La Costenisima’s vehicle and put station head Kalua Salazar under house arrest.
Early on April 14, in the Peruvian city of Tacna, unidentified assailants on a motorcycle threw a homemade firebomb at Sánchez’s vehicle.
Brazilian journalist Diego Santos found an envelope with two bullets inside and a handwritten threat. Santos hosts a daily TV news show.
A group of truck drivers abducted, assaulted, and robbed the freelance reporter on assignment for Radio FM Bolivia.