
Remedy for Stress

I have read that “Stress is the health epidemic of the 21st century,” on more than one occasion. It’s so bad for you that it can trigger many other diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, stomach ulcers, muscular aches and pains and even death.

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Cuba: Revolution or Resistance?

This seemingly social indifference might actually be covering an attitude of individual resistance, which is what I want to talk about today: if it really is indifference or rather a resistance tailored to the very specific conditions that have been created here in Cuba by the Castro regime.

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Cuba’s Media only Sees Corruption at the Bottom of the Ladder

If there’s one thing that makes me uneasy, it’s watching a shark fight a sardine. Even more so, when the fight is rigged in the shark’s favor. This is the same uneasy feeling I’ve had watching some recent news reports on Cuban TV, which deal with the fight against corruption that has been sweeping the nation.

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Maduro Triples Minimum Wage amid Runaway Inflation

Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro announced Wednesday that the national minimum monthly wage will triple by decree to compensate the hyperinflation, which means it will now stand at just over a dollar. However with the food allowance it will approach 2 dollars. (One US dollar equals 2.8 million bolivars on the street.)

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National Strike Called for Thursday in Nicaragua

The main business chambers of the country called Tuesday for a 24-hour national strike on Thursday, June 14th, as an “extreme measure” to force President Daniel Ortega to respond to the proposal for the democratization of the country presented by the bishops of the Episcopal Conference. They also demand he stop the wave of repression and violence…

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Ortega Determined to Remain in Power until 2021

Francisca Ramirez. “We’re not giving in, the people don’t want Ortega to remain in power, and they want him to resign. We’re asking the population to get out on the streets,” added the leader of the anti-canal movement that has supported the student led uprising.

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Nicaragua: The National Dialogue Process Thus Far

The National Dialogue process, which began on May 16th, was suspended at is fourth session (Wednesday 23rd) because no agreements were being reached, after benefitting both the Nicaraguan people involved in protests since April 18th and the Ortega dictatorship.

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