Luisa’s Prophesies

By Pedro Pablo Morejon
HAVANA TIMES – I’ve found her again after so many years. She’s the woman who adopted me as a son back when my life focused around Faith in Christ and I was a seminarian who used to travel from the Baptist Theology Seminary every Friday to a sugar refinery a couple of kilometers away from Artemisa, to go to church.
All of the parishioners welcomed me with open arms, but especially her. I’d stay the night at her house a lot of the time, and she’d give me the little she had. Maybe she felt sorry for me seeing me so young, because despite being 25, I still looked about 18 and I didn’t weigh more than 130 lbs. On top of that, I often had nephritic colic that made me lose my appetite.
We were so close that despite our age difference, she’d tell me her doubts, longings, and fears. She was and I guess she still is a great woman who had to raise two daughters on her own, having decided to be single for a long time.
Back then, I knew very little about life other than the Faith, I’d officiate as a kind of advisor child whose spiritual words encouraged her and renewed her desire to live.
But Luisa (let’s call her that), made me uneasy sometimes. She was an attractive older woman who had an underlying sexiness about her. I was celibate, with hormones all stirred up of the carnal desire any young man my age has despite my Christian vocation, and so I fought an inner struggle that I didn’t confess to anyone, except God, and I’d keep my distance at times to avoid the temptation of looking at her beautiful figure that was slightly visible against the light when she’d appear at the kitchen door.
All of this, plus the affection she had for me led me to a cycle of lascivious thoughts, guilt, a feeling of being dirty and repentance.
At the time, I couldn’t see her weakness, I was too noble, timid, and inexperienced. In reality, she was a lonely person who needed love and attention, despite her jolly character.
She had the gift of prophecy and one afternoon, she was sad when she welcomed me. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me that “the Lord” had shown her something about my future and that it was surprising and not at all pleasant.
I wasn’t really shocked, I didn’t believe in such things, prophecy was a thing of the Apostles. Although my curiosity got the better of me and I carefully listened to her “prophesies”.
I would never be a pastor, but a lawyer or writer. I’d find an excellent woman for my life, yes, but I’d lose her because I’d give up Christianity and because of my own repetitive sins and to top that off, she saw me walking downcast, in rags, divorced, unemployed…
I was also in a room writing something while it was snowing outside, as if I were in a distant land. It was somewhat similar to what another “fortune-teller” woman told me recently, which I wrote about here.
Well, I didn’t take any of this seriously and I even forgot it to only remember it years later when I was kicked out of the law firm and my marriage, which could still be salvaged, was sinking more and more because of my polygamous behavior which led me astray from the path of monogamy like a car that speeds off a cliff.
After giving up the seminary, we lost touch and I’m remembering these prophesies again now because I’ve just received a friend request on Facebook from a woman whose face is familiar and when I connected it to the name, I’ve no doubt it’s her. She’s older now, over 60 and married at last, and she’s living in Orlando, Florida.
I was happy to reconnect with her and feel like she’s the same sweet woman she always was, although she told me that I seem different and it’s obvious, not my face, but I’ve changed drastically in many ways in my life, I’m sure it’s for the better.
We talked a good while, I talked about the prophesies that she had almost forgotten about and I told her that nearly everything had happened just as she had said. I also reminded her of another of her prophesies and she told me that even though there isn’t any snow in the background, if I make it to the United States I can count on her.
Still a sceptic, I wish the second would come true, the one where I’m in another country (which is the same as escaping this hellhole) so that I can lose a bit more faith.