I live in Sinapore, Where can I get a tourist visa for Cuba?

Question:  My friend and I will be travelling to Cuba in mid-November.  As we’re travelling independently, we’ll have to arrange for our own Cuba visa.   We’ll be flying into Havana via Cancun, Mexico. Do we arrange for our visa at the Cancun airport? Or will we be issued one upon arrival at the Jose Marti International Airport? How much does a 30-day tourist visa cost?

Thank you for taking time to answer these questions.  Greetings from Singapore!

Whee Main Ching (Ms)

Answer: Dear Whee Main Ching, we made contact yesterday by e-mail with the Cuban embassy in Indonesia. They informed us that the consular office in Indonesia covers both that country and Singapore.  For information on applying for the visa you can go to their webpage http://embacuba.cubaminrex.cu/indonesia  and http://www.cubadiplomatica.cu/indonesia or write to the following e-mail:  [email protected].

3 thoughts on “I live in Sinapore, Where can I get a tourist visa for Cuba?

  • you can get a cuban tarjeta in transit in mexican airports and i think that they cost the equivalent of $10 in mexican pesos. the bancosur ATM ate my card which i´m told is common in mexico and cuba so take a small amount of an international currency and use a money changer. in cuba, use the cadeca money changers so you don´t have to use the ATMs.

  • Singapore will work. You can also try doing it through other Caribbean countries. About ten years ago, my friend and I did almost the exact same thing, except we got our visas from Barbados. After we cam back, we became costa mesa chiropractors.

  • Main Ching, Indonesia is right. My brother flew from Singapore also and got the visa from there. Good Luck and have fun in Havana.

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