How Can I Register for Marabana 2011?

Question: Hi, I would like to register for the Marabana 2011 half-marathon scheduled for November.  I am from Istanbul, Turkey. Can you help me with this?

Answer:  To get the information you need send an e-mail to [email protected] and address it to Carlos Gaorno, director of Marabana.  In speaking with Gaorno he told HT that the sooner the better.  The phone numbers for his offices are 53-7- 641-0911 y 53-7- 641-0953.

6 thoughts on “How Can I Register for Marabana 2011?

  • Here is the site for the latest exchange rates at CADECA.
    The rate may be a little bit less at the airport so the best is to change a small amount there and the rest at one of the many Cadeca money exchanges facilities in the city.

  • Hi there,

    How do i ensure i don’t get cheated when changing money at José Martí International Airport Cadeca?

    I am arriving from London Gatwick with around £1000.

    Should i change them all at once? Into small notes?

  • Muchas Gracias.
    I have also tried to contact the consulate in New Zealand to enquire if they will process visa’s for an Australian passport holder but have not had a response. Can you please provide contact details for the New Zealand consulate?
    Is it possible to obtain a visa from Cancun airport?

  • Fiona, we have wrttien to the Cuban consulate in Peru asking for information. In the mean time you might direct your message to all of the addresses listed on the Cuban embassy in Peru website:

    Excelentísimo Sr. Luìs Delfìn Pèrez Osorio

    Sra. Maite Gonzàlez Medina
    Telefono: (51-1) 512-3402
    Fax: 264-1325
    email: [email protected]

    Sr. Lic. Pavel O. Dìaz Hernàndez
    e-mail: [email protected]

    Sra. Milexy Pèrez
    Telèfono: (51-1) 512-3411 ò 512-3412
    email: [email protected]

    AGREGADO COMERCIAL Agregado Comercial
    e-mail: [email protected]
    Telèfono: (51-1) 512-3400

    Sr. Jesùs Àlvarez Herrera
    e-mail: [email protected]
    Telèfono: (51-1) 512-3410

    Sra.Lilia Marìa Zamora Rodrìguez
    e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
    Telèfono: (51-1) 512-3413 ò 512-3414

  • The Cuban consulate in Australia is closed until 15th November. How do Australians travelling before that date acquire a visa? Is it possible to buy a visa at Santiago or Lima airport for example? The Cuban consulate in Santiago has advised that the Cuban consulate in Lima can assist but I cannot find an email address that is operational for the consulate in Lima.

  • hi, I have emailed the above address twice and requested information and registration… no one is responding except for Mr Gaorno, copied in another person to respond. The site still has 2010 information. I would really like to register in advance so as to make travel arrangements. Is there any other way of making contact?

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