How and Why I Gave Up Fishing

Carlos Fraguela

M3HAVANA TIMES — The beauty and intelligence of three animal species put an end to all my killing. I would kill soles, octopi and scorpion fish regularly, until I put aside my hunger and began to enjoy conserving these beautiful specimens of Cuba’s marine fauna.

My father taught me to swim and fish as a kid. For a long time, I didn’t have to buy the fish I ate. I learned to hunt for everything I needed: sometimes using my hands and sometimes a harpoon my dad had given me as gift.

As my short-range vision began to wane, my long-range vision began to see things differently. Whenever I shot at a scorpion fish, it would be impaled by the harpoon and writhe in agony for a long time. When it turned towards me, it would reveal the ventral part of its body, where the secret beauty of this species lies.

Hiding from the predators are the bright yellow, red and black tattletales that have nothing to envy of the most beautiful and delicate butterflies.

l3A documentary about the intelligence of octopi also contributed to my change in behavior with respect of these cephalopods. The documentary shows how the animal efficaciously employs one of its tentacles to uncork a bottle where a small crab was trapped, to get at the animal that it could see through the glass.

After being harpooned, octopods also remain alive for a long time, and, to finish them off, one must place a cap-shaped structure over their brains and other vulnerable organs and twist. Many vital signs can still be observed for hours after doing this.

Soles are another species that were hugely important to me. They are easy to kill because they are overly confident that the mimetic mechanisms they use to survive offer a perfect disguise. What truly impressed me about them is their mating ritual. One morning, I went scuba diving and I saw a male sole mating with a female that wouldn’t give in.

G3These fish can be anything from white, through grey to pink, and they can imitate the texture of sand, including the green tonalities of algae. The courting sole had a greenish grey back with black, blue-rimmed dots. The color would change as the animal became excited and it would vibrate to get the female’s attention. I will never forget this beautiful experience.

I’ve never liked sole meat, but my mother and step-father would benefit from my catches. Today, soles are like brothers to me. We can swim together, rubbing up against the rocky sea bottom. The same is true of octopi and scorpion fish: today, we are like friends.

Carlos Fraguela

Carlos Fraguela: I am a lover of freedom, nature, decorative arts, music, technology and humans. I can’t stand human stupidity, although I understand that it exists as part of an imperfect everything. I reject abusers and parasites. I like to dive and share with my friends. I work in restoration and the only time I've ever been bored is when I have been admitted to a hospital. Sex and friendship are my only Gods.

2 thoughts on “How and Why I Gave Up Fishing

  • Pretty cool Carlos! I admire you and your friendship with the fish. I used to live in Hawaii and sent diving for lobsters. They were quite small but enjoyed eating them often. That was about it for me but is sure was beautiful. Cuba must be as much as a paradise, diving that is, and look forward to visiting there someday.

  • Thanks for the break from more serious political stuff.
    I appreciated the pictures and the narrative.
    I was always an avid fisherman from childhood right up to my later years .
    Of late, I have found that the fish in fresh water lakes, rivers ,ponds in Florida have concentrates of mercury at levels too high for regular eating as do the migratory and ocean predacious fish like bluefish, tuna, kingfish (the striped bass.
    but notably, I also have grown more reluctant to kill any living thing as I grow older and appreciate that all life on this blue pearl in the vast and lifeless universe are rare and beautiful things to be respected.

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