Is the Goal to Humiliate Us?

By Erasmo Calzadilla

Instead of harassing people, the Police should be chasing criminals. Photo: Caridad

It appears like they’re not guarding anything, because they start talking casually among themselves, at least until some “suspect” wanders by, which can be anyone; but if you’re young and you don’t look very conventional, you have a high probability of ending up as the toy of the police on duty.

Yesterday I again witnessed a typical and enervating scene of what I call constant low-intensity police abuse.

I left from a class at the evening city college, which is where I teach now.  When going down L Street in Vedado, a law officer stopped us: a young woman, her boyfriend walking along with her, and me.

The policeman, who must have been about 6’3,” requested our IDs.  While he leisurely inspected them for I don’t know what, he began asking us the same prying and disrespectful questions as always: “What are you doing here if you don’t live in this area?” “Do you have a job?”

Then, in an equally rude manner, he asked us to show him our bags and put his huge hands in them, feeling around for I don’t know what.

I’ve heard, though not because anyone has ever formally informed me, that it’s a violation to conduct such searches in the middle of the street.  But since I was too tired to spend a night in jail, I gritted my teeth and took it.

However, the other guy, who I had never seen before, seemed offended that he was being treated like this in front of his girlfriend.  He got all upset and began asking the policeman what reasons he had for doing all this.

The officer’s response was to push him against a wall, spread his legs with a kick, and frisk him, not only in front of his girlfriend but everyone passing by.  Nonetheless, instead of shutting up, the guy exploded and sounded like he was about to scream with rage.

At that very moment another policemen arrived and the two threatened to handcuff the guy and toss him in the patrol car, which surely would have happened had it not been for his girlfriend’s opportune intercession.

She – irate and out of control – laid into them like a caged animal, screaming at them saying that they were a disgrace, that they were just harassing people, that they should have been out looking for criminals – things like that.

The police officers stood paralyzed for a second, just enough time for the guy to grab his girlfriend by the arm and escort her out of the danger zone, while she continued her half-hysterical diatribe.

Trivial, it was an incident of no importance; much worse things happen in the world.  Yet the matter is that this humiliation of personal integrity is constant, wherever you go.  The result is a feeling of defenseless in the face of the machinery, which I swear doesn’t generate anything good for this country, only fear among citizens.

Unlike others, I don’t believe this is an intentional procedure devised by some macabre psychologists to keep the self-esteem of people in the dirt, but the truth is – intentional or not – the result is the same.

Erasmo Calzadilla

Erasmo Calzadilla: I find it difficult to introduce myself in public. I've tried many times but it doesn’t flow. I’m more less how I appear in my posts, add some unpresentable qualities and stir; that should do for a first approach. If you want to dig a little deeper, ask me for an appointment and wait for a reply.

5 thoughts on “Is the Goal to Humiliate Us?

  • Hi. I’d like to know a little about the philosophy program at the University of Havana. Is it, by any chance, taught in English? What’s the graduate program like?

    Quite curious, would appreciate your response.


  • The government is controlled by very old army generals now so it is normal than they request kind of excessive social discipline: the police (mainly frustrated power-lover black alienated immigrants) will harass the lazy and hustler-looking people and the youngsters will rebel as usual. The balance can be achieved through the massive media that will alert the population and feedback the law enforcement correctly. If there is a crack down on poor senile cookies-seller women at Coppelia, then try not to hang around with a bulky bag 🙂

  • I meant the advise of this other reader.

  • What? I can’t believe the advise above!!!!!
    I admire the way she reacted, if enough people do that, there wouldn’t be so many situations like this. But I do not critizise Erasmo because in Cuba the frustration and impotence is so much that you normally feel tired and just want to let it be. That’s the way I lived too, unfortunately.

  • Erasmo,
    I do not know what to say re your article.
    For me I have learned that having expectations is the root of all my frustrations.
    In other words I do not expect anything, so I am not frustrated by whatever happens.


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