George Harrison’s 76th Birthday (video)

Irina Pino

HAVANA TIMES – Dear George, we are celebrating your birth with great joy.

Listening to your compositions, watching your music videos is the best thing to do. Thinking about you like the privileged being you are.

Your interviews are a delight, where your wit and sense of humor shine through.

We can learn from listening to your words, your opinions and points of view, as you have an immense intelligence. To discover who we are, what to do with our spirituality, what path will bring us closer to faith.

You were collecting experiences along the course of your life, via the knowledge of other people. You had special friends, or you were special to them. Yes, there was a perfect cultural fusion. Your friends still love you.

A special energy, inner light.

The material World let you go, but the spiritual world has welcomed you with open arms. Now, light in is balance with your mantras. You live in eternity.

There, you have no age because real time doesn’t exist. You walk through an even greener Friar Park. Sometimes, it rains. You walk, you smell the earth, there is a meadow of heliconia flowers to lie down in.

I won’t bid farewell because you and I are within the same circle.


Irina Pino

Irina Pino: I was born in the middle of shortages in those sixties that marked so many patterns in the world. Although I currently live in Miramar, I miss the city center with its cinemas and theaters, and the bohemian atmosphere of Old Havana, where I often go. Writing is the essential thing in my life, be it poetry, fiction or articles, a communion of ideas that identifies me. With my family and my friends, I get my share of happiness.

22 thoughts on “George Harrison’s 76th Birthday (video)

  • George your passing has created a void in my life that has no bottom thank you for the privledge of your presence Hare Krishna

  • Excellent article for an artist and a so special human being whose presence on earth was a gift!
    Thanks Irina!

  • Irina, That video is a nice tribute to a great musician. Thank you and your son for the hard work.
    Give me love
    Give me love
    Give me peace on earth

  • Irina,
    thank you for your video – it brought me to a place shared by many of us who loved George, his music and all the good that he stood for. As for his age, ..folks, he’s timeless.

  • In Asia or lunar calendar, he’s 77. 😉

  • My son and I made this video with a hugh love for George Harrison. We love his music.

  • George…….Thank you.

  • Happy Birthday George. Thinking of you with delight and great full appreciation of all that shared with us. Here Comes The Sun, so I must be on my way, keeping you close with reverence and humor throughout the day.

  • My dear readers, please forgive me, I made a big mistake, we put the change on the post and I hope to also change the title on the video later today. Thanks for letting me know.

  • America celebrated its bicenteniel in ’76, not ’77. Just an FYI.
    Oh, and the quiet one would have been 76 this year.
    Carry on.

  • Happy 76th to George. Wish you were here.

  • Lovely video.
    But 76 as the people say

  • I believe he would be 76

  • Beautiful thoughts and video of a beautiful man. Thank you very much!

  • Correction!! George would have been 76!!!!!!

  • He’s 76, not 77

  • Appreciate, heart’s sincere inclination recieved. Grateful for such.

  • Thanks

  • He’d be 76.

  • I will always remember your wit, music excellent, musical compositions. Your memory is all we have, but it is some legacy of you as a husband, father, and humanitarian.

  • George Harrison was born on February 25, 1943 which would make him 76 years old.

  • George Harrison was born in 1943 so he should have been 76 this year and not 77. Thanks. Regards.

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