Cuba Portrayed by a Young Woman Who Lost Hope (video)

Screen shot from the video by Claudia Tropiezos

By Luis Rondon

HAVANA TIMES – A few days ago, the Twitter and YouTube platforms became the center of attention for many Cubans around the world. With concern, support, and pain they endorsed the words of Claudia. She is one of the many youtubers from Cuba who publish the Cuban reality on the Internet from their everyday spaces.

In this particular case, Claudia touched a sensitive vein for many people inside and outside the Island, including me, who from afar observe the country deteriorate without any solution.

Claudia has my respect and admiration.

Here is her video with English subtitles added by Havana Times:

Read more by Luis Rondón here.

Luis Rondón

Luis Rondon Paz: Activist, Queer, computer scientist, actor, photographer, student and apprentice journalist. Originally from Santiago de Cuba. I believe that people are life projects in constant transformation. I am consistent and responsible for my actions, committed to just causes and a lover of good deeds. Today I write about Cuba in exile, free of psychological torture and persecution of the Cuban dictatorship.

One thought on “Cuba Portrayed by a Young Woman Who Lost Hope (video)

  • Claudia deserves all our respect and admiration. I wish her and all the people of Cuba and better life and a future without the misery they endure daily.

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