More on Trump and the Cuban-Venezuelan-Nicaraguan Triad
Lynn Cruz

HAVANA TIMES – The Trump administration has the following as part of its political agenda: “End Communist dictatorships in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba.” The latter two only appear as priorities amidst the fiasco with the Venezuelan opposition, and their attempt to end Chavista totalitarianism headed by Nicolas Maduro.
The Nicaraguan people are also bleeding dry trying to bring an end to Daniel Ortega’s government, another one of today’s leaders of the so-called Latin American Left. Fidel Castro, the patron saint of anti-Imperialism, exported this rebellious seed. However, in spite of all the suffering, of extreme violence, the US government hasn’t seemed too bothered by events in Nicaragua.
The real crisis is happening in Venezuela. Maybe the Venezuelan opposition has got a little further in its struggle, and remained in the fight, and this as well as the fact that Venezuela is a large country with resources that wealthy countries do care about, encouraged Trump’s anti-autocratic crusade in this triad of countries he believes to be Communist.
Speaking about these governments and establishing how to do away with these three powers, Cuba-Nicaragua-Venezuela, the US government is abusing and ignoring facts which is only creating more political and social instability in these countries where human beings live, including children and the elderly.
This is a fascist measure, which transforms these countries into reconcentration camps, as they were already suffering sanctions and living an economic war before because they didn’t stand by the White House’s political discourse.
Meanwhile, the Cuban government will continue to blame the US for its own shortcomings and the international community will agree. An economic attack like the one the US has waged right now, as the leader of the world’s superpowers, has put the island and its inhabitants in a very vulnerable position.
Personally-speaking, I had to reach rock bottom, enter the abyss in order to understand that the Cuban government has taken advantage of this imbalance of power in a brilliant way to uphold its discourse, although I know that’s a tough truth to swallow for people like me who dream of a different Cuba.
If the Cuban Revolution, famous for being one of the most radical in the world, hasn’t brought independence, as its weak economy proves, then the fight for freedom will always be put on hold.
The transition towards State capitalism is the most obvious way power in Cuba has mutated. Cubans in exile with economic and political power refuse to accept this reality that excludes them.
Most Cubans living on the island come from the emerging, popular classes, who don’t identify with those who lost their properties and were also responsible for power falling into the hands of a single man when they left the country, as they left the island without a political opposition.
Of course, they are also victims of the terror that Fidel Castro put into practice, but they don’t have any empathy for Cubans living in this country, as they label us all Communists. So, while the past is debated in government offices, projecting the future from a present in ruins, and without a dialogue with Cuba’s reality, in terms of the Cuban conflict, there’s not much else for me to say but the popular expression: “There is no splinter worse than one from the same stick.”
Thanks Tony. my position is similar, our home is in my wife’s name.
You perhaps underestimate the number of Cubans who would like to travel to the US at half a million. Canada too has quite a lot of them. Many have worked in the tourism sector, married Canadian women and following moving to Canada, later obtained a divorce. Although it is easy to criticize such actions, it demonstrates the extremes that Cubans will pursue to get out from under the communist heel.
As for the Canadian Embassy, its services have almost reduced to zero.
Hi Carlyle, I thinks you misunderstand my statement of me buying the house but NOT OWNING the house. I PAID for the property but the owner is my Cuban friend…you must trust this person..
However, if a foreigner marries a Cuban they can also become an owner of the property as well….Joint ownership ..You should consult a Cuban attorney as well as discuss this option with the Canadian Embassy in Cuba in Miramar.
The US Embassy is the largest foreign embassy in Cuba ,a large 10 story building on the Malecon..The US has over 60 properties throughout Cuba primarily in Havana. The 300 employees are primarily Cubans with security clearance who work at the embassy keeping track of over 1 million Cubans who now live in the US primarily Florida. Another half million would like to get a visa to travel to the US.
My primary home is El Paso,TX border with Juarez,Mexico …. 10 days ago over 800 Cubans crossed the border in a single day…..enough said !!
Victor, you make a good point and you make it well.
You suggest that Liar-in Chief-trump and Warmonger-in-Chief-bolton care about elections but do not care about democracy.
This is a subtle distinction and an ingenious way of describing one of the biggest problems we currently face in this modern era. This era of nationalistic, nativist, cut-throat, right wing capitalists trying to pass themselves off as ‘democratic’.
Here in the UK we also have a problem regarding right-wing opportunists with the same disturbing stripes.
I am very interested Tony in how you as a US citizen was able to purchase a home in Miramar? Although married to a Cuban citizen I am not permitted to purchase a house. How exactly did you proceed?
The so-called sonic waves were not confined to the US Embassy employees, but also affected Canadian Embassy staff and families. In 2018, the families of Canadian staff were in consequence returned to Canada and then in 2019, staff were halved resulting in the Embassy no longer issuing TRVs. (Temporary Resident Visas) to Cubans. But the figure you give of 300 employees at the US Embassy is incredible – compared with 14 Canadian staff. Does that reflect the US doing a lot of business or sheer incompetency?
I am a US citizen who has been traveling to Cuba since 1983 over 35 years. I love the Cuban people and even bought a large home in Havana – Miramar in 2016. I did not marry a Cuban but have a very good friend for many years who cares and rents some extra rooms. My family of 4 have been to Cuba many times usually staying with Cuban friends . After many years I can say mainly GOOD things :: very good security , low crime,few murders , you can see teenagers gathering and walking along the Malecon , 5th avenue 24 hours. Excellent free education for all Cubans and for those who qualify even foreigners can study medicine for free??? This would cost a minimum of $200,000 per year in the USA !!!
Cuba produces 12,000 Doctors yearly and another 23,000 total 35,000 in all medical related areas….more than any South American country.
Free medical care for all Cubans and low cost for foreigners. Although medicine and supplies are limited.
Ability to overcome adversity, Hurricanes , food shortages, they genuinely help their neighbors
Mostly I applaud the hospitality and friendship of the Cuban public.
Now The so called embargo of the USA… US companies are very limited to sell directly to Cuba however
there are ways to overcome this via transfer to a closeby island then to Cuba.. The problem is money and credit !! Cuba doesn’t pay …so they blame the Embargo. I use to sell Cuba via a Mexican company instead of 90 days credit IT took a minimum of 180 sometimes 365 days. USA Banking, US credit cards , are not accepted in Cuba
Obama established the oficial embassy in 2015 and easy travel for US citizens to Cuba. GREAT NEWS
Trump, Marco Rubio and the Miami Mafia don’t want americans spending money so travel is limited once again , the embassy is basically closed for business due to a so called sonic waves affecting 20 plus employees out of over 300 employees. Bunch of BS , throw it against a wall and some will stick.
Same sonic waves affected embassy employees in CHINA and NO closure of the embassy.
I say allow EASY travel to Cuba…. the Cubans need the money to improve the economy.
I am an optimist and hope the politics will change in 2020….enough said AMEN
Victor, do correct me if I am wrong, but is it correct that 63 million Americans voted for Donald Trump? Is it correct that every four years Americans are able to vote for Presidential candidates representing different political parties.
The people of the US expressed their wishes and Trump was the consequence.
You may regard me as naive about Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, but that is obviously more than matched by your ignorance of the US and the choice that you and your fellow Americans made – apparently your wishes were granted – should you have been more careful?
Bruce, it is obvious that you have a kind heart. One of the difficulties for tourists like yourself is endeavoring to understand exactly how the US embargo affects Cuba. American farmers and the US food supply chain export lots to Cuba. The embargo doesn’t affect that. Canned goods from a wide variety of US states, frozen chicken from Tyson, the largest US meats supply company and even beer.
The embargo was introduced by the US Cuban Democracy Act – which had excellent objectives, none of which have been achieved even after some 58 years in place.
The Castro regime has taken advantage of the embargo by holding it responsible for all the inefficiency and incompetence of their administration. Whenever there is a problem in Cuba – it is deemed to be a consequence of the embargo. They have also for twenty seven years dragged the same resolution in front of the UN as a means of endeavoring to embarrass the US by the 179-2 vote.
My knowledge of Cuba is a consequence of being married to a Cuban and our home is in Cuba where I spend the majority of my time.
Because the outside democratic world began about 2013, to imagine that some form of undefined “change” was taking place when none was apparent for Cubans themselves, I wrote my book which has been criticized by those supporters of the Castro regime in these pages – few if any of whom have read it. But it does explain the systems that operate in Cuba – from education to medical services to the CDR, the history of the revolutions and chapters upon the leading figures. I did not write to endeavor to line my pockets, but rather to assist those like yourself, who struggle to understand the intricacies of life for Cubans – who, due to repression and inability to get publication are unable so to do, you can get it very cheaply on the web.
Many of those who respond in these pages to articles in Havana Times, either are dissatisfied US citizens or critics of the US. That has been made easier by the election of Donald J. Trump the narcissistic self-declared “genius” of repulsive habits But in fact relatively few of the problems of communist Cuba are a consequence of US meddling. By far the majority are the consequence of the application of Stalinist beliefs pursued avidly by the Castros.
I am surprised at how naive you are about Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba. Their historic and present situations are all quite different. While Ortega embraced a market economy he also brought a strange brand of conservative, evangelical Christianity into his administration.
Venezuela is largely a market based economy with some clear socialist elements. The Chavista movement also gained power through twelve international observed elections. The only reason their socialist elements survive isn’t because of Maduro, but because they are well established among the people that benefit from their system. The struggle in Venezuela is about who will control the now state owned oil company. My government has already made its choice and has no interest in what the people of Venezuela want.
I needn’t say anything about Cuba, but I will comment on the intentions of my own government. Trump and Bolton could care less about democracy. They are however interested in elections because elections can present the facade of democracy while still being controlled by outside forces. The US is very good at that. Sometimes accomplished with bribery. At other times threats. When elected leaders don’t respond to the US handlers, as was the case with Zaliya in Honduras, they get the military to do the job for them.
Be very careful what you wish for.
Hi: Martin.
As I stated, I do understand that the Cuban political system is no like ours in Canada
and I know it’s not perfect. I suspect in time the Cuban people will force the change they
need in order to bring things around so they can have better lives.
I also understand that Cubans make very little income, as I mentioned I have several
Cuban friends & have been to their homes & see how poor some of the living conditions are.
I do my very best to bring as many items as I can to help out the Cuban people I meet.
No just in the hotels where I know the workers make more money with tips.
I have gone to a local baseball park outside Varadero where Cuban teens & kids were
playing baseball with a 2″ x 2″ piece of wood & a worn out ball. I brought them a dozen new bats
for adults & ones for kids. I also gave them new baseballs & a few baseball gloves. I bring bars of soap, deodorant, razors, tools, medical supplies even guitar strings for locals playing in town.
So please don’t try to make it seem as I don’t have some understanding of the poor conditions
that many Cubans live in, because I do understand. I just think things would be much better if the U.S
would life the embargo as I know many American farmers would love to sell food to Cuba, and many other businesses would also love to provide much of the needed items that are hard to find in Cuba.
Unlike the U.S government & people like Marco Rubio, I’m not a hater, but a person with a heart
that only wishes for more for my Cuban friends.
Hi: Carlyle.
I don’t claim to be an expert on Cuba, I’m just expressing my opinions on what I
have experienced there. Yes I do stay at an all inclusive hotel in Varadero.
I also have made friends with several Cubans and have been to their homes outside the
tourist area & have seen some of the incredible poor living conditions. As I stated,
I would love to see Cubans have more money, better living conditions & better access
to food & other products. I do understand that the Cuban system of government is totally
different from the one in Canada. But don’t assume our system is perfect. We elect a new
government every 4 years & once they are in office, all the things they promised to make
out lives better don’t happen. They are all liars & cheats. They do as they please as nobody
can challenge them until their 4 year term is up. Then a new party likely gets elected just
to screw us over as much as the other party did.
I’ve been to Matanzas & other city’s outside Varadero & truly feel bad for my Cuban
friends & how some of them have to live.
This is why I try to bring as much as I can to give to locals when I go on holiday.
Medical products, basis hygiene items, sports equipment, anything I can carry in
my luggage, I try to help as much as I can.
@ Bruce Who wouldn’t be happy if the government cuts their income to say 10% (30 -60 dollar) of what one would make in comparable countries (300 – 600 dollar) and in return give you “free” shitty healthcare and education because doctors and teachers are working as cabdrivers?
You don’t say where you stay Bruce when you take your annual holiday in Cuba. Is it in a package tour resort providing the four B’s of Beach, Bed, Buffet and Booze, or travelling around Cuba using the Casa Particulars? The question is significant, because many tourists never experience the hard reality of daily life for the average Cuban, rather than those employed within the tourism sector who have the privilege of receiving tips – for a dollar equates with a days pay for the average Cuban .
Have you looked at the living conditions of Cubans in the non-tourist sector? Make out your average weeks shopping list as in Canada and then go to the various military controlled shops in Cuba and see how much of products on that list you can actually buy. The restrictions of food supply have nothing to do with the embargo, and I will lay odds that you have never actually read the US Cuban Democracy Act – which introduced the embargo.
The “good work that President Obama started.” was rejected by the Castro’s just seven (7) days after he spoke at the Alicia Alonso Theatre in Havana.
There is no valid comparison between the political system in Canada and that of Cuba. You are privileged to be able to openly express your likes or dislikes of elected governments – Federal, Provincial and Municipal. Cubans dare not, for they are subject to imprisonment for criticism of the Castro regime – and the walls have ears, ensured by the CDR.
As I live most of my time at home in Cuba, not in the fleshpots of the tourist resorts, but where there are no tourists, I know that which I describe very well.
Continue to count your blessings Bruce. When doing so, pause and think of the average young couple in Cuba with two children, living in a tiny home of two bedrooms (at most) with the in-laws, existing on the libreta rations, picking over the third grade rice imported from Vietnam, purchasing other foods when available, on the street, refraining from teaching their children anything that is contrary to communism (for to do so brings a three year jail sentence), with both of them working and bringing home between them, two dollars a day. As they live with the in-laws who are pensioners (receiving $8 per month) they even have to help to feed them.
That Bruce is Cuba!
I’m a 53 year old Canadian man whom travels to Cuba every January for a holiday.
I love Cuba & the Cuban people, Cubans are the warmest most loving souls I’ve ever met.
I think it’s absolutely disgusting how the USA has been hurting Cubans for over 50 years
with their illegal embargo.
I don’t understand what the USA is trying to prove by hurting Cubans.
America claims to be the worlds biggest democracy & says it’s an example
for the rest of the world. In reality, the USA is the biggest dictatorship on
Earth. The USA is only interested in trying to change & hurt any other nation
who does not do as the U.S wants, this is not a democracy, it’s a dictatorship.
American politicians like Marco Rubio, should be ashamed of themselves.
Marco had Cuban parents & is so happy to promote hate against the island
of his Mother & Father.
God will decide the fate of evil souls like Mr. Rubio.
I wish the rest of the free world would turn it’s back on America & isolate them
the way the have been isolating Cuba.
I get that the Cuban system of government may not be perfect, I don’t feel our system in Canada or any other country is perfect but we work with the systems we have.
Every Cuban I’ve every spoke with seems to be happy, they have free health care, free education & even though many have a basic life & don’t earn lots of money, they still seem happy.
We in Canada earn good wages, have nice homes, cars & other things Cubans might not have
but many Canadians are not happy either.
I think for how hard I work for the money I make & the stress of my job, the super fast paced life I live,
I could see living as some in Cuba live with a simpler life & less stress.
I’m sure many Cubans wish they earned more money & could afford to have nice homes, a new car, a big tv & other electronic items & I wish they could have these thing too.
Lets start by trying to love our fellow human beings. The U.S embargo on Cuba should be lifted & restart the good work that President Obama started.
For the love of God & our fellow man, let Cuba live.
Hold on to your dream of a different Cuba Lynn, for it may one day become a reality and millions of Cubans have similar dreams. Trump as you say, believes Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela are communist and with justification, for Cuba is undeniably communist, with Maduro in Venezuela and Ortega in Nicaragua endeavoring to similarly achieve the evil of dictatorship with total power and control.
The difficulty with Trump is that for the outside world looking at him, he is a combination of being both repulsive and fascinating. But as a US president his period in office is thankfully limited, whereas in Cuba the Castros have been in power for over sixty years and the people of Cuba are denied choice.
As for splinters from the same stick, you could possibly be referring to Raul’s children, Alejandro and Mariela – who by her involvement in Cenesex has distracted attention from her role in the Poder Popular as a deputy.