My Update While Still Waiting…

By Michelle Quezada

HAVANA TIMES – A lot has happened since my last entry. It’s been a month and a half since I had my appointment on my appeal for political asylum in Norway. 

A month and a half and I’m still waiting. I’ve been suffering strong panic attacks throughout this time. I feel like a huge rock is sitting on my chest and I can’t breathe… it’s a very difficult feeling to put into words. 

At the same time, keeping up on what’s happening in Nicaragua and the many people that are locked up day after day, fills me with frustration knowing we will continue longer with the Ortega-Murillo regime. Latin America is tired of so much oppression, people are tired of surviving and not living a proper life. 

The protest in Costa Rica on Sunday July 18th, with emigres from Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela is a clear sign that we are all tired of the tyrannies in our countries. 

Standing united together is our strength, to demand our human and civil rights and not live under the dictatorship’s oppression.    

We cannot stop denouncing what’s wrong and we must continue to protest for what is right and true, we have to carry on fighting for absolute freedom. 

Here in Norway, lately there has been more coverage about the current situation in Nicaragua in the news. We can’t let our voices die down.

I had really felt down recently, with my spirits on the ground, but now I have hope. 

I am free and have the opportunity to be a voice for those who are in jail. I will continue to denounce the tyrants who are killing our brothers and sisters; we must continue with our resistance.

Strength to everyone who feels the same as I do. 

Especially to the many families of the people who have been locked up, who are crying every day to find out the whereabouts and condition of their loved one. 

Read more from Michelle Quezada here.

Michelle Quezada

I am a 20-year-old Nicaraguan girl. I describe myself as a happy, sociable person with dreams and defined goals. I want to study environmental engineering and I also really like fashion design, two totally different things. I grew up knowing that dreams can be achieved if we are dedicated and fighters. My life has taken some unexpected turns; I'll be telling you about that.