Mobile Phones, a Much-needed and Hazardous Device
Miguel Arias Sanchez

HAVANA TIMES — In today’s world, mobiles or cellphones play a critical role in human communication.
It took us a while to begin to use them in our country, but many of us now have access to these much-needed devices which enable us to communicate with our family, friends and even for business. After Raul Castro authorized some changes or reforms, we also had access to the internet although to a much lesser extent than cellphones.
A week ago, ETECSA made a 30×30 offer, that is to say, if you bought a cell phone line, they would reward you with 30 CUC (=USD) in credit. It would have cost you double without this offer. As you would expect, thousands of Cubans lined up to take advantage of this deal, including myself.
However, while it’s important to be in touch with others and up-to-date, you also need to know where and when to use a mobile phone. Why? Even though I don’t have the exact figure (I’m not even sure there’s an official statistic), I do know that many fatal accidents take place because of cellphone use.
Countless times I have watched someone with headphones on, looking at their mobile, while crossing the street. Everyone knows that when that happens, the music blasting in your ear doesn’t allow you to hear outside noises and if you’re also looking at your phone screen, then it’s even worse still.
Some people have died from being hit by a car which they didn’t see or hear. Others have lost limbs. Nevertheless, in spite of guidelines about braking, as well as warnings relating to this appearing in our media, we continue to see how this practice has taken so many lives, while people continue to be unaware about how dangerous and risky it is.
Communication is essential in today’s developed world, but life is more important, because we only have one, and so we should pay attention to the dangers on streets. Let’s look after our lives and the lives of others.
The chances of being hit by a car in Cuba ought to be fairly minimal with only 25 cars per 1,000 people.