Rice Is Filling, but…

By Nike

An edible cactus.

HAVANA TIMES – Today, couples in Cuba go to bed thinking about what they’re going to eat the next day. When they wake up, the first thing they talk about is what they are going to eat.

In a couple I know, the wife asks before going to bed:

“Do we have coffee for the morning?”

“No. I’ll go out early to find some,” the husband says.

“And what are we going to make for lunch?” the wife insists.

“We have a little bit of rice, eggs and some tomatoes.”

That’s how they end one day and begin the next.

Rice is the most staple food in Cuba. If you don’t have rice, it’s like you haven’t eaten. Before the crisis, it was easy to get a hold of this grain. It was cheap and men, especially, would fill themselves up on it. I can tell you this from experience, as the mother of two sons.

Now, you can’t find rice anywhere. And there are not any root vegetables, pasta (spaghetti) or cornflour to replace it.

A family I know has resorted to a system of serving one full cup of rice for each family member at each meal. Even so, it doesn’t last them to the end of the month. The Government hasn’t given any public explanation for this crisis. Food items are so expensive. Even with pay rises in the public sector, not everyone can afford them.

Personally, I’ve managed to find some other alternatives to feed my family. I’ve planted malabar spinach which I prepare as a salad. I’ve managed to get some seeds from different agricultural products to sprout, including pumpkin, which is very rich in vitamins, minerals and protein. I have also planted a cactus that a friend gave me. I’ll tell you what it’s like when I try it.

I’m surprised that given the crisis we’re living right now, national TV, which is state-owned, isn’t broadcasting these healthy diet alternatives. It could be a good start for us to slowly leave our daily dependence on rice behind us. I’m trying, at least.

Read more here from Nike’s diary.


I was born in Havana, Cuba. All my life I have had the sea as a landscape. I like being close to it, feeling its breeze, its smell, as well as swimming and enjoying the wonders it gives us. Thanks to the manual skill that I inherited from my parents, I have been able to live off crafts. I work primarily papier-mâché, making puppets for children. I write for Havana Times for the possibility of sharing with the world the life of my country and my people.

2 thoughts on “Rice Is Filling, but…

  • Everyone needs to return to the earth. It is hard saying things in modern age without offending but people forgot the old ways. People will say “but I forgot the old ways, don’t know how to return”. People starve because they forgot, and forgot because they became modern. Governments made life easy by design, just like now they are making life hard by design. Return to nature, hunt, fish, be stealthy about it for awhile. Life will only get harder, and easier.

    Website is coming soon with helpful information.

  • You are trying some good, creative ways of growing food – excellent! Yes, please report about how the cactus tastes.

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