Dating Apps (video)

Nonardo Perea

HAVANA TIMES – I’ve just finished making the 5th episode on my YouTube channel “En la cama con Nonardo” (In bed with Nonardo). This time, I casually talk about infidelity on online dating apps.

Nowadays, many people turn to these kinds of websites to try and find different emotional connections, but many of them are only any good for hooking up.

In the program, I ask: What would you do if you caught your partner using one of these apps?


Nonardo Perea

Nonardo Perea: I see myself as an observant person and I like to write with sincerity what I think and live first hand. I’m shy and of few words; thus it’s difficult for me to engage in conversation. For that reason, my best tool for communicating is writing. I live in Marianao, Havana and am 40 years old.