Blackouts Return to Venezuela

ON: Luxury tourism, Big events, Concerts, Bitcoin farms, Discos, Casinos, Hotels. OFF: Neighborhoods, Hospitals, Housing projects, Schools, Stores, Universities, Markets.

By Onai

HAVANA TIMES – The fuel crisis continues in Venezuela, and it isn’t the Imperialist iguanas’ fault, nor are the NATO dragons to blame, or the vultures of the axis of evil, who our leaders could blame the electricity crisis on, years ago.

Ungodly blackouts have returned, making the Venezuelan people’s lives difficult, already being hit by the shameless economic policy dreamed up by the Maduro Government and his henchmen. 

Long blackouts (and, as a result, cuts in Internet access) have caused delays and losses in businesses of people who produce, at schools and in hospitals.

The poor up-and-down service isn’t only a great predator of essential electrical appliances in the home but has also caused partial or total fires in lots of homes, without any government body taking responsibility for this economic loss.

But of course, they are right on time when it comes to sending you your bill.

Electricity has become a privilege for a select few. 

Read and see more from Onais diary here.


I like to write, but I don't do it. I prefer to draw and repair what is damaged if it can be fixed. I identify with what animals and the most vulnerable people feel. I like trees and I am hopeful even though time is running out for us humans on the planet. I was born in a soft, watery, generous, diverse and complex land subjected by the most perverse political ignorance of those who drown in their own speech. However, here I still am, trying to protect dreams.