“Revolutionary” Christmas

They sing so beautifully while I make the Revolution!!!

Night of Peace Night of Love…

By Onai

HAVANA TIMES – While children sing, striving to comply with the script imposed by the government for the perfect Christmas, Nicolas Maduro sings his speech.

A speech full, as always, of the greatest gall towards a people starving not only for food, but also for health care, basic services, security and freedom.

Christmas carols and empty speeches are heard, jingoistic in a Venezuela with great social inequality. In a Venezuela full of uncertainty for what has been lived and what is coming.

In 2022, more monetary devaluation is expected and a plan to supposedly start up the “economic engine” that only benefits the country’s politicians, military and businesspeople. A 2022 with handouts for the government’s parasitic fanatics.

… But it is time for love, peace and the “great” dream…

See more from Onai’s diary here.


I like to write, but I don't do it. I prefer to draw and repair what is damaged if it can be fixed. I identify with what animals and the most vulnerable people feel. I like trees and I am hopeful even though time is running out for us humans on the planet. I was born in a soft, watery, generous, diverse and complex land subjected by the most perverse political ignorance of those who drown in their own speech. However, here I still am, trying to protect dreams.