Changing the World Today

Veronica Vega

HAVANA TIMES — There are words which can shake us up. I remember some of Mother Teresa’s words, about how she and her order accepted governments like sailors accept time. Depending on the conditions, they set sail, they sail, they wait, they face or avoid storms: but they never stop acting.

This premise has made me understand that it is always possible to do something good, no matter what the circumstances. Somebody who has received some form of help at a crucial moment knows just how much solidarity is worth: no good act is insignificant. From a little bit of food, water, shelter or kindness, they can save us from the depths of despair.

Yesterday, my son and I went to the beautiful town of Guanabo to give the dog we saved from being run over, up for adoption. We healed a skin disease he had, and kept him at home for 40 days.

The campaign carried out by PAC (City Animal Protection) was very effective. The home which took the dog in belongs to generations who have shown sincere compassion for animals, welcoming them like family members. They even showed me a female dog that they had saved after having been raped by a man.

It’s the second time I’ve heard about a case like this, and of course it makes me think about how imperative an Animal Protection Law is, which establishes punitive mechanisms for such crimes. It’s not about excusing those responsible who can give way to the changes that Cuba’s social landscape desperately needs. However, until this is implemented, we must act without stopping, with whatever means we have.

The young people who make up PAC buzz with the speed of these times. They know and use the means available to establish networks, virtual or physical, networks which grow and don’t stop to wait for political reconciliation or for those ideal conditions which only exist in mankind’s dreams.

Honey, who is now called Scooby, accepted her new protectors and completely trusts them, enjoying this security which all creatures born without the capacity to fight for their own rights deserve, rights which are linked to our human decisions by law of synergy.

I know that just like our relationship with each person is unique, the tie we have with so-called “pets” (an exclusive term which I disagree with) is also unique. The space and roots a living being can take hold of in a person’s heart – which by strange design isn’t a human being – is immeasureable and undescribable. And I would like to end this post with some words which explore this mysterious ambiguity. They belong to the book “Other letters to Milena” by the Cuban writer Reina Maria Rodriguez, national literature and Pablo Neruda prize-winner.

We were companions along this journey, in this game, moment, pretense of living. No animal or person could replace you now. We experience pain, fits of anger, hunger, sleep, love, heartbreak and, especially, the aging process together. Your womb and mine grew; your nails went as soft as mine. We were born to live on the third floor of an Animas home and she, before getting sick and passing away, decided to fall down, fly over, pretending to be still, calm, just like she lived, will forever remain imprinted on my memory.

I have had cats, other animals during my life… But none of them knew how to place themselves in the exact place where I draw each breath, keeping in step with myself in this cycle which is called life.

Veronica Vega

Veronica Vega: I believe that truth has power and the word can and should be an extension of the truth. I think that is also the role of Art and the media. I consider myself an artist, but above all, a seeker and defender of the Truth as an essential element of what sustains human existence and consciousness. I believe that Cuba can and must change and that websites like Havana Times contribute to that necessary change.