Chained Hands & Feet, Activist Sayli Navarro Enters Prison

Sayli Navarro, who has dared to criticize the Cuban government, before entering the court for her appeal trial, this Monday. (Twitter/@RosaMariaPaya)

By 14ymedio

HAVANA TIMES – The Lady in White Sayli Navarro Álvarez entered prison this Monday, after losing the trial on appeal of the sentence received in March for public disorder, attack and contempt, for participating in the peaceful demonstrations of July 11, 2021. Her father, Félix Navarro, in provisional prison since last July, also had his sentence ratified.

The father was sentenced to nine years in prison and the daughter to eight, in a trial held in January in Jovellanos, Matanzas.

Rosa Maria Paya, promoter of Cuba Decide, assured in a tweet, Sayli Navarro was taken to jail “chained hand and foot” directly from the court and she was unable to say goodbye to her mother. Her father was returned to his cell in the Agüica maximum severity prison, in Matanzas.

Hours earlier, Paya had published a photo of the Lady in White, with whom she was speaking as she arrived at court, adding that it might be “the last photo of Sayli Navarro.”

The arrest of the father and daughter, on July 12, occurred in a violent manner at the police unit in Perico, Matanzas, when they went to find out about the situation of other persons arrested for joining the protests the day before, which multiplied in dozens of other cities throughout the Island.

Last August, Felix Navarro, who, unlike his daughter, had to await trial in jail, began a hunger strike which he ended at the end of September in protest at his unfair imprisonment.

At that time, his daughter denounced that he was in a “very delicate” state of health and that for that reason, after 25 days, he abandoned it.

Navarro, 68, was one of the political prisoners of the Black Spring of 2003, when 75 opponents and independent journalists received long prison sentences. In 2011, as a result of various negotiations between the governments of Spain and Cuba and with the mediation of the Catholic Church, they were released and sent into exile, but Navarro was one of the twelve former prisoners who decided to stay in Cuba.

Read more from Cuba here on Havana Times

3 thoughts on “Chained Hands & Feet, Activist Sayli Navarro Enters Prison

  • Olga, has the US policy on Cuba made life any better for the Cubans on the island? You care absolutely nothing for Cubans on the island. You just have a selfish vendetta against the Cuban government and you advocate invasion by the US. You don’t care how many lives will be lost on the island.

  • Olga likes to put my name in her comments.
    I’m neither a leftist nor dated.
    There are approaching 8 billion inhabitants on this planet.
    The representatives of over 7.5 billion of these inhabitants vote against the continuation of the U.S. embargo. On an annual basis. It’s not limited to me or Curt.
    The worst dictatorships the Americas has ever had?
    Spain and Britain were pretty bad huh?
    Olga you are an advocate of invasion. In previous comments have stated this clearly.
    You would prefer warfare to peace. You like to justify violence.
    Perhaps if you had any power you would also be a bad dictatorship?

  • And on top of all this unjustly there are ppl like Nick and Curt and other dated leftists than think USA should lift the Embargo to give more oxygen to the Cuban dictatorship. The Cuban regime is the stamp of an obsolete, repressive, bloody dictatorship and the worst that the American continent has had.

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