Surprise Meeting in Cuba of the president of Colombia and the FARC guerrilla leader

Both arrived today to Havana on short notice

Santos and Timochenko are in Cuba for what could be a major advance in the resolution of the decades long Colombian conflict. Photos:
Santos and Timochenko are in Cuba today for what could be a major advance in the resolution of the decades long Colombian conflict.  Photos:

HAVANA TIMES (dpa) — The leader of the FARC, Rodrigo Londoño, known as “Timoshenko”, arrived in Cuba for an unannounced historic meeting with President Juan Manuel Santos in the framework of the Colombian peace process.

A few hours before Timoshenko’s arrival, Santos had informed on Twitter that he would also be in Cuba today for a “key meeting” with peace negotiators “in order to hasten the end of the conflict”. “Peace is at hand,” wrote the president.

Sources on both sides said an announcement could be forthcoming of agreement on justice issues, one of the main obstacles faced by the peace process so far.

Colombian media speculated today on the possibility of definitive progress in the peace process, held in Cuba since November 2012. According to the influential “El Tiempo”, the parties could announce a date for the signing of a final agreement.

“Peace is here,” wrote the FARC on Twitter to announce the arrival of “Timoshenko”, also known under the alias “Timoleon González.”


One thought on “Surprise Meeting in Cuba of the president of Colombia and the FARC guerrilla leader

  • It would be wonderful if the FARC ceased preying on the children of Columbia and using them as child soldiers. Then eventually the rehabilitation process would no longer be necessary.

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