Car and Home Sales in Cuba Continue to Increase

HAVANA TIMES, April 26 — The transfers of ownership of motor vehicles and housing has continued its upward trend on the island, reaching a total of 2,730 total purchases in the period from January to March 2012, reported the Granma newspaper.

At a press conference, Olga Lidia Perez Diaz, the director of the Notary and Civil Registry of the Ministry of Justice, stated that in addition to sales, the donations of real property exceeded 10,660 transfers while those of cars were roughly 6,780.

Ordinance 292 and Ordinance-Act 288 (referring to the transfer of ownership of cars and houses), were enacted last year. Such sales and ownership transfers were previously been prohibited.

One thought on “Car and Home Sales in Cuba Continue to Increase

  • No entiendo lo que significa esto:
    “in addition to sales, the donations of real property exceeded 10,660 transfers while those of cars were roughly 6,780.” Son entregas del estado a personas o entidades privadas o el contrario?

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