Colombian Gov. and ELN Renew Ceasefire for 6 Months

The Colombian government and the ELN agreed to extend the ceasefire for 180 days and establish a multi-donor fund for the peace process. Additionally, the ELN will unilaterally and temporarily suspend kidnappings for ransom.

By Latinoamerica21

HAVANA TIMES – The Colombian government and the National Liberation Army (ELN) announced early Tuesday in Havana that they reached an agreement to extend the bilateral ceasefire for 6 months, which has been in effect since August 3, 2023. Peace negotiations with the ELN began in November 2022 when President Petro launched a Total Peace plan with rebel and drug trafficking groups.

In the text, Colombia’s last active guerrilla group also commits to abandon kidnappings. During the fifth round of peace negotiations held in December in Mexico, the ELN already expressed its intention to suspend the kidnappings it carried out to raise funds. The Mexico agreement helped overcome the crisis caused by the kidnapping on October 28, 2023 of the father of Colombian footballer Luis Díaz from Liverpool.

Source: El Tiempo

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