Cuba’s Party Shifts Top Provincial Figures

HAVANA TIMES — The secretaries of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) for the provinces of Ciego de Avila, Camaguey and Las Tunas were replaced during plenary sessions of that organization held in each area on September 15 and 16.

The post is the top political position in any province.

According to the official Granma newspaper, the leading Communist politician in Camagüey Province, Julio Cesar Garcia Rodriguez, was replaced by economist Jorge Luis Tapia, who previously occupied that same position in neighboring Ciego de Avila Province.

Meanwhile, the PCC in Ciego de Avila Province will now be run by Felix Duarte, who was once a professional member of the executive bureau of the provincial committee.

In the eastern province of Las Tunas, Teresa Amarelle was replaced by Ariel Santana.

Granma gave no explanations as to the reasons for the removals, but all of the plenary sessions were chaired by Jose Ramon Machado Ventura, the Second Secretary of the Central Committee of the PCC and First VP of Cuba.

2 thoughts on “Cuba’s Party Shifts Top Provincial Figures

  • Presumably the decision was made within the party, just like it happens in Canada. In the US, the decision who runs is made by wealthy lobby groups funding the candidates they want.

    Not much democracy and accountability there either, but you seem to be unaware of that. At least Cubans are aware of how the system works.

  • Not much democracy and accountability to party members really if they have no say in who are the leaders of their respective provincial organisations.

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