Juan Almeida Dies at 82

Havana Times, Sept 12 — Juan Almeida Bosque one of Cuba’s revolutionary leaders died of a heart attack at age 82 in Havana on Friday.
The Cuban authorities have declared a 24-hour official mourning period to honour this man’s memory.
At the moment of his death Bosque was a member of the Communist Party’s politburo and one of the vice presidents on the Council of State, Cuba’s main governing body.
Almeida was at the side of Fidel and Raul Castro from the beginning of the revolution and served in top government positions.
He is also known as a music composer and the author of “La Lupe” a romantic song that alludes to a beloved Mexican woman he left behind when a group of young men departed from Mexico for Cuba to fight Fulgencio Batista’s dictatorship.
According to Granma newspaper his body is to be buried in Santiago de Cuba.
Our father shared this with me last Sunday .Milagros is in Cuba and she went to our fathers home city Santiago to just be there and be able to share with dad. our father knew Bosque, well as they both are musicians as well as partners and freedom fighters..Cuba lost an Icon….For those who do not know My father is Felipe Garcia Villamil and i am the neice of Ernesto Bacallao, ChaCha vega..who founded Los Munequitos de Matanza Our father lives in cali now, and is well