Cuba May Day March Set

HAVANA TIMES, April 28 — Not one case of Swine Flu has been reported in Cuba and plans for the International Workers Day march on May 1 remain firm.

Numerous delegations from labor organizations from around the world annually attend the Cuba rally, which also includes a solidarity meeting with Cuban labor leaders on the following day.

International Workers Day commemorates the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago in 1886, when Chicago police fired on workers during a general strike for the eight-hour work day, killing a dozen demonstrators.

In most of Latin America, as in Cuba, May Day is a national holiday. However, in the United States, workers are not allowed the day off to celebrate and make their labor demands.

Havana Times photographer Caridad will be on hand for the march and with her pictures will make you feel as if you were there. Also, for a retrospective of May Day’s past, check out this post by documentary photographer Bill Hackwell: