Cuba Now Tracking Karl, Igor & Julia

By Circles Robinson

HAVANA TIMES, Sept. 16 — Cuba’s Meteorological Institute (INSMET) reports Thursday morning that what was Tropical Storm Karl is now a hurricane, the third currently active in the Atlantic region along with Igor and Julia.  None of the storms are considered a threat to Cuba.

At 11:00 a.m. EST, the Cuban weather experts pinpointed Karl in the Gulf of Mexico some 500 kilometers (310 miles) southeast of Tuxpan, Mexico.

INSMET warned that Karl could become a major hurricane before its next Mexico landing, expected to be sometime Friday.  The storm currently packs 120 kph (75 mph) maximum sustained winds.

Another report on Hurricane Karl is forthcoming at 6:00 p.m. EST.

Meanwhile, Hurricane Igor continues on a northwest path toward the Bermuda Islands.  The storm is a powerful Category 4 on the Saffir-Simpson scale with winds of 230 kph (140 mph).  Some days behind it is Hurricane Julia, a Category 2 storm with 170 kph (100 mph) winds.