Cuban Doctors Threatened in Venezuela

HAVANA TIMES — After returning to work following Sunday’s presidential elections, the Cuban doctors in Venezuela had to return to their homes on Monday due to the instability that has taken hold in the South American country since Nicolas Maduro was pronounced the winner by a relatively small margin.
According to the site, anti-Chavez protesters attacked on Monday the Integral Diagnostic Center (CDI) of Piedra Azul, located in Chacao, Miranda, where ten Cuban doctors provide medical services..
Banging pans, and holding banners for opposition candidate Henrique Capriles, the protestors chanted “Cubans out”. The Capriles’ supporters arrived at the CDI about 4:30 pm demanding the eviction of the Cuban doctors.
A CDI worker said the group of protesters threw a Molotov cocktail at the Rehabilitation Center, in an area where fortunately there were no patients or medical personnel.
Furthermore, information provided to Havana Times via telephone by a collaborator in Caracas, said that opposition members have surrounded a dormitory where members of the Cuban medical brigade are housed.
The Cuban media has not confirmed this news, nor have they reported on the state of the large medical mission in that country, where more than 30,000 Cubans serve.
Capriles, who lost the election by a narrow margin of 50.66% to 49.07%, has said he will not recognize the victory of Nicolás Maduro until there is a recount “vote by vote”.
Maduro, meanwhile, has alerted the population that Capriles and his followers are trying to provoke a type of coup with their violent protests.
The National Electoral Council proclaimed Maduro the winner on Monday and denied the request for a recount.
Venezuela cannot go through another Chavez-like Presidency. If Cubans are voting for Maduro, it is understandable why it has come to this end. Nothing personal hacia los cubanos. But if Cubans are being counted towards the votes, which won the election for Madero, then it is him that we should all go against. Cubanos y todos!
Friendster :according to media as EFE, Reuters etc. they are all socialist and not Caprilistas. Difficult to judge.But it was certainly not the socialist who attacked the Cubans, medicalö centers and cooperative. Or?
All were supporters of the revolution.
here are some of their names>José Luis Ponce, leader and militant in the Psuv Baruta and his wife.
Zulia. Luis Garcia Polanco, 24, Bolivarian hospital worker killed by opposition thugs while defending CNE
Chavista Militant murdered yesterday by far-right gangs: Jose Luis Ponce, 41, a carpenter, father of 6.
7 dead, 61 injured humble, simple working people and Bolivarians and 150 arrests of the opposition.
Last night their were also some violence by the fascists, one MERCAL store attack along with another clinic.
Cuban doctors and Venezuelan firefighters defend Palo Verde health centre against arson attack via
Wow, Grady! Do you really mean to say that people who voted for Capriles are traitors? And military intervention? Are you off your meds?
The right-wing Venezuelan traitors are working to provide the US with a pretext for military intervention. I hope the workers are armed and ready to defend the country.
It seems that all the reported dead are opposition activists. So, who’s killing whom then?
look also blog of negra cubana tenia que ser, la polemica digital, Cubadebate, La Chiringa de Cuba and others. The Blogueros cubanos have written an open letter in defense of their compatriots harrassed by Capriles fascist Troops
Do you have any evidence of who is attacking whom? The situation sounds chaotic. It is quite possible both sides are attacking each other.
Update Cuban doctors and staff of dozens of medical clinics were attacked in many cities, so far 7 murders by the opposition over night, PSUV buildings attacked and set on fire along with governors being attacked and 3 MERCAL stores. Lots of violence in the streets also. Pots and pans campaign, similar to Chile coup at many government buildings and the head of the CNE house, also several TV stations attacked,
Plans by the opposition to attack regional CNE centers ( election commission) this afternoon and march on national center tomorrow.
Hands Off Venezuela @HOVcampaign
Statement on attempted coup in Venezuela… Españ……