Cuba’s Communist Party Publishes Photos of Fidel Castro

HAVANA TIMES — The official Cuban press published on Monday current photos of former President Fidel Castro, week

Fidel Castro with Randy Perdomo, leader of the Federation of University Students
Fidel Castro with Randy Perdomo, leader of the Federation of University Students.  Photo:

s after new rumors of his death, reported dpa news.

The Communist Party newspaper “Granma” released on its website a total of 21 photographs of Castro, 88, who returned a week ago to the public stage after months of silence.

The pictures show side views of Castro next to a recent newspaper published subsequent to December 17, the date on which the governments of the United States and Cuba announced a landmark agreement to resume diplomatic relations after more than half a century.

The former president did not pronouncement himself on the accords until January 26 when, by way of a letter read publicly, he acknowledged his brother’s authority to engage in such diplomacy but said he didn’t trust the USA.

In the photos shown he entertains a visit on January 23rd with Randy Perdomo, the current leader of the Federation of University Students (FEU).

One thought on “Cuba’s Communist Party Publishes Photos of Fidel Castro

  • Anything can be fixed, just ask Fidel!

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