Dialogue Between the Colombian Gov. and FARC Continues in Cuba

HAVANA TIMES — The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the government of that country held a third day of policy dialogue today at the Havana Convention Center, where they focused on agricultural development in that South American nation.

According to the Prensa Latina news agency, discretion and secrecy has been a constant in those talks, which began last Monday behind closed doors as the latest step by the two parties to end more than 50 years of armed conflict.

Although the spokespeople from the cabinet of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos offered no statements to the press on the eve the meeting, one of the FARC representatives, Jesus Santrich, said “the talks are progressing well and are on track.”

The guerrillas are urging the Colombian government to take the path of its unilaterally announced ceasefire.

One thought on “Dialogue Between the Colombian Gov. and FARC Continues in Cuba

  • If FARC were to arrive at a correct understanding of workable socialism, and issue a reasonable, step-by-step maximum program of transformation for when they might hold state power, it would be possible to win most sectors of the Colombian people to socialist consciousness in short order.

    This mass consciousness would guarantee the transition to a socialist cooperative republic, one way or another.

    Unfortunately, FARC has been cocooned by state monopoly ideology, and therefore is unlikely to ever evolve and present such a corrected program of socialist transformation. If it does not, it will remain isolated from the great mass of the people, and ultimately will be forgotten by history.

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