Envoy Named to Manage Guantanamo Prison Closure

HAVANA TIMES — US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel named Paul Lewis today as his special envoy to manage the closure of the prison camp at the Guantanamo Naval Base on occupied Cuban territory.

According to Europa Press, Lewis is already familiar with Guantanamo issues through his work as director of the Armed Services Committee of the House of Representatives. He will begin his job on November 1.

The Guantanamo prison houses more than 150 prisoners, some of them on hunger strike over the conditions under which they are held.

Closing the prison camp at the Guantanamo Naval Base was one of his main promises of President Barack Obama during the 2008 election, but the disagreements between Democrats and Republicans have prevented its realization so far.

Obama, like past administrations, has never considered Cuba’s demand for the return of the land used by the Naval Base against the will of the Cuban government and people.