Extinction Rebellion Protesters Block Norwegian Oil Terminal

HAVANA TIMES – In Norway, climate activists with the group Extinction Rebellion blocked an oil terminal at a major gas processing plant on Saturday.
Fredrik: “Now we are outside Kårstø oil terminal. We have just begun a blockade of one of Norway’s largest processing plants for gas in the North Sea. … So we demand a plan for a phasing out of oil and gas production in Norway, because oil and gas are killing the planet, and several billion people are in danger of losing their lives if we cannot manage to remain under the 1.5 degrees Celsius warming.”
This fine you want to protest. If you dont want oil ,then go back to burning wood. But some countries don’t have enough forests or wood due to fires. Climate change. Extra.
So what is the alternative?
There are a lot of poor countries who can’t even get reliable electricity. So how is this going to help.
You don’t realize the effect it will be on other countries who rely on this. There will be a domino effect.
But great you protest. But what are you options?
Some countries, if you protest you are in jail for up to 15 years.
Some countries have no other choice to use oil. Even in Canada