Fidel Castro has Argentina’s Cristina Fernandez over for Lunch

HAVANA TIMES — Fidel Castro hosted a luncheon for Argentine President Cristina Fernandez on Sunday at his home on the west side of Havana. No photos have yet to be released of the two leaders.
“After exchanging warm greetings, [Castro and Fernández de Kirchner] talked about regional topics and the main problems facing mankind, particularly about food sources and the various armed conflicts that threaten peace on the planet. In a special moment, Fidel and Cristina remembered the late Hugo Chávez and his efforts to consolidate Latin American unity with the creation of the CELAC in the year 2011,” reported Progreso Weekly.

Fernandez was the first president to arrive in Havana on Saturday for the Second Summit of the CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States), which begins Tuesday (Jan. 28). She was followed on Sunday by Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff and Bolivia’s Evo Morales.
On Sunday at 12:45 p.m., Fernández left the Hotel National, where she is staying, telling journalists outside: “Fidel invited me to lunch.” With her were her 24-year–old daughter, Florencia, and the presidential press secretary, Alfredo Soccimarro.
Upon returning, three hours later, Fernández commented only that the visit had gone “Well, very well” and that “The luncheon was very tasty,” noted Progreso Weekly.
Who believes this crap? ““After exchanging warm greetings, [Castro and Fernández de Kirchner] talked about regional topics and the main problems facing mankind, particularly about food sources and the various armed conflicts that threaten peace on the planet.” The two of them together multiplied by ten have as much influence over these issues as a plate of beans and rice.
It is schoolyard-level mockery to write that I “maintain” that Fidel is “head dictator” of Cuba. I do not. I do maintain that as long as he lives and his younger brother is President, Fidel is relevant to the decisions made regarding policy in Cuba. I know staunch anti-Castro regime Cubans who admit they will be sad when Fidel dies. For more than 80% of Cubans alive today, he is the first and really ‘only’ leader they have ever known. I maintain that while he not directly involved in the day-to-day administration of the dictatorship as he once was, he is surely consulted ‘before the fact’ for every major policy reform that has taken place in Cuba since Raul assumed the presidency. Anyone whose working title is “Eternal leader” should never be counted out. BTW, most Americans do not know who Fidel Castro is and if they do, they do not know if he is still alive or dead. It is the most miniscule group among Americans who pay any attention to matters Cuban-related.
No they don’t. People know that Raul is the president. We also know that Fidel has some measure of unofficial authority. Also, there are still a few of Fidel’s old circle in power in the top of the regime. So while he is retired, and very ill, he is not completely gone.
The fact that Fernandez met with Fidel and not Raul first is proof positive that Fidel is still the head dictator of Cuba as maintained by Moses Patterson
This also confirms the thinking of the majority of the U.S.The bulk of the U.S. public which still thinks Fidel is still president some six years after he stepped down and out of running the country .