Havana Times Migrates to New Subscriber Feed

HAVANA TIMES – Dear Readers, for over a decade we have been sending out headlines with links to our latest articles to our subscribers. We were using a service called feedburner. The service had been long outdated but was still working. However, recently they discontinued the service all together.
So, it was time to migrate to a new service so you can continue to keep up on our new posts and events in Cuba, Nicaragua, Chile and beyond. The service supplier we decided to try is called “Follow it” and is the best Feedburner Alternative. We feel it will be an efficient reader-friendly provider.
We have been working out some of the bugs to get things working properly and if you have any problems seeing our headlines and linking to the posts please let us know.
Some of you may have already resubscribed, but for those that haven’t here is the form:
Best regards,
Circles Robinson, editor & the Havana Times team