Indigenous Protesters at U.S. Interior Department Reject Drilling on Public Lands

Image Credit: Tyreke Baker/TBTOK NEWS

By Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – In Washington, D.C., Indigenous-led protesters erected large tripods Monday in a nonviolent, symbolic blockade of the Interior Department. The protesters are demanding that Biden take immediate executive action on the climate, and are rejecting mandated oil and gas lease sales on public lands and waters as part of any new climate legislation. This is activist Ashley Engle of the Ikiya Collective.

Ashley Engle: “People are dying. My people are dying right now. And we are not your sacrifice zones. We will not be your sacrifice zones. We will not sacrifice our lands, our waters or our children or future generations. And that includes your children, too. And we also want Biden to declare a climate emergency.”

Read more news here on Havana Times