Man Held 20 Years at Gitmo Without Trial, Released to Algeria

By Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – An Algerian man who was jailed at Guantánamo for 20 years without facing trial has been sent home to Algeria. Sufyian Barhoumi was ruled eligible for release in 2016 but was locked up for over five more years. There are now 37 men still being held at the US Naval Base on occupied territory in Guantánamo, Cuba.

Read more news here.

One thought on “Man Held 20 Years at Gitmo Without Trial, Released to Algeria

  • Sad. But glad he has been released. Who got him out and why did it take another 5 years? Will he get any compensation for going in jail with no trail? Probably not!! I’m sure he has a lot of horror stories to tell. He should maybe write a book. Wish him all the luck as a freed man.❤

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