Mariela Castro Questioned in Philadelphia

HAVANA TIMES – Cuban sexologist and National Assembly member Mariela Castro was questioned on Saturday during the awards dinner of the organization Equality Forum in Philadelphia, because of “political repression” on the island, reported Café Fuerte.
“I applaud Mariela Castro for her work to expand the civil rights of the LGBT community, but differ profoundly from her if she supports the political repression of her father and uncle,” said former US Rep. Barney Frank to those present in the evening.
Frank, who received the forum’s International Role Model Award, described Fidel and Raul Castro “among the great traitors of liberalism and human rights,” reported the Philadelphia Inquirer.
“We have to change the world together,” said the daughter of the current Cuban president to a question about US-Cuba relations.
Mariela was awarded the International Ally for LGBT Equality Award from the Equality Forum.
You are the one who’s living in the past, there’s nothing more Cold War-ish than the embargo you try so hard to ‘naturalize’.
And there’s no ‘left’ in the Republican-Democrat dicothomy. You folks in the US don’t know what the political left is with the reactionary Republican and rightwing Democrat as your only viable options.
Wrong again Luis. You can’t get more left of Democrat than retired open-gay Congressman Barney Frank. Stop living in the past. It’s the 21st century.
Barney Frank and the Law of Unintended Consequences: How the Frank Amendment Helped Terrorists get Legal Visas by Chuck Morse
That’s because progressive people tend to organize and gather public rallies better than reactionary Republican bollocks like Mr. Frank there or the 20 people who showed up to ‘celebrate’ the 1964 coup here in Brazil.
What? No repudiation rally or small group of protestors hired to disrupt the speeches? Oh wait, this time it is the ANTI-Castro group. The unruly protests are from the other side. Those socialist malcreants who humiliate themselves protesting Yoani Sanchez should take notice. It is possible to air your disapproval and remain civil. Imagine that.