Matagalpa, Nicaragua Diocese Lodges Complaint over Ortega Supporters Abuse
“The Church is on the side of the people of God, not of the powerful”, says the vicar of the Matagalpa Cathedral, Father Sadiel Eugarrios.

HAVANA TIMES – The Matagalpa diocese denounced governing party sympathizers for their disrespect in one of their churches. At the time this happened on Tuesday July 2, the accused were taking part in an FSLN activity which invaded the atrium of the Matagalpa Cathedral.
“Sympathizers of the government, carrying FSLN banners, came onto the atrium and from there into the Cathedral shouting pro-Government and anti-Church slogans, said the spokesperson for this diocese, presided over by bishop Rolando Álvarez.
As a safety measure, the chapel of Jesús Sacramentado was closed off, and the Eucharist was celebrated a half hour later than usual. This information was put on the social media, along with a video of the occurrence.
The vicar of the Matagalpa Cathedral, Sadiel Eugarrios reminded people that the Church, according to Pope Francis, “is on the side of the people of God, not the powerful”. He said he was sad about this disrespectful behavior in “the house of God”.
The FSLN, whose top leader is also Daniel Ortega, the president of the country, has made no mention of the complaint. But his sympathizers have also put videos on social media, proud of their behavior in the Cathedral.
The bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua were mediators and witnesses in the failed dialog that took place in May-July of 2018. The process came to a halt after two months, when Catholic bishops and priests were attacked in Diriamba, Carazo.
President Ortega alleged the bishops were planning a coup against his government and that they were accomplices of inside forces and international groups whose aim is to overthrow his government.
Ortega made these accusations in front of thousands of Sandinistas in a square in Managua, during the commemoration of the 39th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution.
A year ago, the Episcopal Conference proposed that Ortega put forward the elections, to March, 2019, rather than waiting till late 2021, which is the plan at the moment. They also asked that he not run for president again. Ortega refused to do either of these things. On July 19, 2018, Ortega said that the proposal showed that the bishops were “committed to the people wanting to make a coup.”